But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen." - 2 Peter 3:17-18
Up until 6 months ago, I would have never wrote that title. I had a false outlook on "strong willed" children. I mean, after all, when anybody sees a child acting stubbornly it is always frowned upon. They always say with a snarling expression, "Oh that child is stubborn!", or "she is as stubborn as a mule!". But, I am so thankful, God allowed me to hear the testimony of a godly, stubborn woman; who mothered a stubborned child. She opened my eyes in a new way towards "The Strong Willed Child". I began to see and understand the strong willed child was one of the greatest blessings and tasks that God could bestow on me. For Him to give me a strong willed child, means He has alot of faith and confidence in me to mold that child in the right way. After all, the Strong Willed Child are the people that makes things happen in life. They are the ones that get to see the hand of God moved in a mighty way. The people in the Bible that God used the greatest were strong willed people: Esther, Peter, Moses, Noah, Paul, and Ruth. I looked up the definition of "strong willed" and here are the synonyms: resolute, firm, purposeful, fixed, intent, persistent, persevering, tenacious, steadfast, unwavering, and immovable. The synonyms that strong willed represents are all words and actions that we try to teach our children, right? Why? Because with characteristics like "persevering" and "steadfast" or "purposeful" that will get them far in life. So, according to the dictionary, strong will is a character of beauty! Alot of people have to work hard to be purposeful in life, or to be someone that is immovable. It comes naturally to a strong will child. It takes alot of work for someone to make up their mind to do something and make it happen (persistent or tenacious) But, for a strong willed person - it is like breathing! There is great beauty in being "steadfast" as long as I (the parent) teach them to be strong willed in the things of the Lord (1 Peter 3:18) Yes, it is true, the strong willed child left to himself, unchallenged, unskilled, not patiently loved, can grow up to be like unsharpened arrows in life and become the juvenile delinquents in society. But, the strong willed child that is loved patiently, challenged in life, and taught how to use their will for God; will be the sharpened arrow in society that carves out a trail others can follow down. I encourage you, if you have a strong willed child, pray every day for that child. Ask God to manifest Himself in their lives; so that, they may do something great for God one day. Also, ask God to grant you the patients and love and creativity that you will need to raise and mold that child into something God can use. Raising a strong willed child takes alot of creativity (which can become exhausting at times)! I use to think, "God why me? Why did I get a strong willed child?!". I am so glad He changed the way I thought, so that I can teach my child to be a sharpened arrow in society. There is beauty in being a strong willed child. We just have to help mold them so everyone else can see it.
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost