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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How To Monetize Your Blog

I'm linking up this weekend with Kellys Korner Blog on SUYL. We are discussing "Tips on Finding Jobs." I know in todays market and economy it can be so tough finding a job. I watched my Father search and search for a job for about 2 years. One of the biggest tips is: Prayer. Pray every day that God would direct you to the job where He wants you. The job He wants may not be what we want. The second tip we have found to be true, is like Dave Ramsey says, it is "who" you know. You are more likely to land a job somewhere you know someone. So, word of mouth, has been the most beneficial in finding a job. Tell people you are looking and then ask those of who you know. Meanwhile, try to start something on the side that you love to do or can do. Never under estimate yourself and what you are capable of doing. Find books, ask for tips and pointers from those who are successful around you, educate yourself on becoming a business owner. Some of the most profitable CEO's are those who just had a "idea" and went with it. Now if you like to blog, here are some tips in making money while blogging.....

As some of you may know, you can make an income off of your blog. It does take a ton of traffic - like thousands of readers per day. So, in order to make an income, you must build your traffic. How do you build your traffic? By, marketing your blog. There are a few ways to market your blog. My favorite one is to find a popular blog with high traffic and participate in their "Link-ins" they host. My favorite Link-in I participate in is over at Kelly's Korner. She gives a specific topic every Friday and then gives her readers a chance to share their blog post on her site. Find a few of these blog link-ins. Click here for a bigger list. Another way to advertise is set up a Twitter Account and use #Hashtags for people to find you when you post a Tweet. Also, join some Blog Groups on Facebook. They will give you opportunity to share your site with other bloggers. Embrace other bloggers - bloggers help other bloggers build traffic and readers. Two great sites are BloggyMoms and TopMommyBlogs

Now, some of you may not realize but Pinterest can be your blog's best friend. Make sure you always have a "Pin It" button on your post. A bloggers dream is for one of their post to go "Viral" on Pinterest. Viral is one way you can generate thousands of readers on your blog. For more information on "How to go Viral" Click here. You can find the "Pin It" button on your Pinterest Profile under "About".

When finding affiliate ads to place on your blog - you want to use very reputable companies. You want to make sure they are not scamming you. Some of my favorites are:

ShareASale - these are Ads you can place on your Blog

Sponsored Tweets - you can get paid to Tweet out an AD

Another Way to Earn an Income through your Blog is by writing a review for other companies or by writing a post about a specific company. A great site that helps connect you with other companies and it helps build your traffic is Sverve. It is FREE to sign up and easy to do. You just look at the campaign board and ask to be engaged in the ones that you would like to participate in. If the company chooses you - then they will contact you and tell you what to do next.

Another site I love is Madames Deals. She will ask for Guest Post under her "Now Hiring" tab and she will pay you for each guest post she picks from you.

This is just a "tip of the iceberg  to get you started. The Blogasphere is so large and you can just about do anything and make it what you want it to be. The more research you do - the better you will blog.

One great place to start is by E-Books about blogging. Here is a good one: Bloggy Guide to Monetizing Your Blog by Tiffany Noth

If you need help setting up your blog click here and here

If you like to add "links" inside your post. Then when you are writing your post, you will see "Link", on your post toolbar. Click it and add your actual domain link and then on what title you want to give it. Example: My Blog

Not Just a Housewife