I have some really awesome nephews. I have 6 total - and 0 nieces.....I really want a little niece (hint, hint - you know who you are! {SMILES}) I love each one. They each have their own different personalities and their own different ways to make me laugh.
They each carry a piece of my heart and they each have a special quality that I love! Nephew #1 has a special place because he was the one who first made me an Aunt! He has a big, kind heart! He is great about sharing his Mario Brothers game with me! {I'm a little addicted} Nephew #2 has a special connection because he is my husbands little mini me. He loves to play sports and loves to cut his hair like my husbands! Nephew #3 has a special connection because he and my first child were only 2 weeks apart with their due dates - but, I lost my 1st child due to an early miscarriage. (click here if you would like to read my story). Even through the devastation that I felt, I was still so excited to meet my new little nephew. The Lord blessed me and I got pregnant with #2 rather quickly and it made this little guy and my 2nd child only 4 months apart. To make things even better - we lived together at the time and it was like having twins! I can remember a special moment when my little nephew was only a few weeks old, as I was holding him, my little baby started kicking him inside my womb. I thought that was such a neat experience because after they were born they were best friends from the first moment and they still are! Nephew #4 he is special because of his humorous and quick-thinking personality.He likes to tell BIG stories that only happen in his mind and he will always have you laughing! Nephew #5 is my sweet heart baby. He and my 2nd child are only 5 months apart - me and my sister in law tend to have babies close together. {SMILES} He is my cuddle bug that can melt my heart in a second with his pitiful, sad faces that he loves to give! Nephew #6 is the quite one. You may never know he is in the room but he will be instigating something! He loves for me to tickle him and he loves to lay his head on my shoulder!
I am very thankful for my nephews. I have had the privilege of being apart of each of their lives. At an early age, I had a desire to be an Aunt. God has granted me that desire - sixfold! Matter of fact, I am getting to enjoy some Aunt and nephew time this weekend and I'm enjoying.every.minute! I have been spoiled with hugs, kisses, and a game of tag! They have bought me a lollipop and even whispered "I Love You"! I have gotten to hold, rock, and sing songs too. I have even sneaked in a few tickles! Yes, I count it an honor and a privilege to hold a special place in these little guys heart! Life is a little bit sweeter with nephews!
Now....I Can't wait to have a niece!